Greetings to everyone. This is a wiki designed to prove, using both secular and religious history, the Jesus did exist and was who He claimed to be. We are not attempting to prove the existance of God, since if you can prove the claim of Jesus of Nazereth, then you prove that God does exist. This is the theory this page is based on. If you do not agree with it, do not participate in conversation or debate. If you are rude and/or disrespectful in anyway, whether you are a member or visitor, I WILL report you. Discrimination will NOT be tolerated, nor will vulgar comments between parties. If you do not agree with what is stated, you are free to state why but ONLY IF YOU CAN PROVE YOUR STATEMENT. This wiki is about proof, therefore you must have proof in order to state an argument. If you are not sure what proof is defined as, see What is Proof?. However, scientific evidence will NOT be discussed because a)in all honesty I don't know enough about it to say either for or against, and b)it is impossible since science can neither prove nor disprove the existance of God or anything metaphysical. If you are not mature enough to engage in civil conversation either for or against the topic, do not do so. If you have a personal issue with someone in this wiki, message them directly. Do not engage in personal battles on this wiki. If someone has a question they don't wish to post, or an issue they would like help with you can message myself [Child of God] or other members.
Please Also Note:
This wiki is based on history and historical proof only. This is a history-based page, not a philosophical or scientific one, and everything is presented as such.
Some of the participants have their own sites. Feel more than free to check them out, but I do ask that no matter your stance on the issues presented or the beliefs you be respectful of what they believe.